• 2021-04-14
    The use of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond films are examples of
  • product placement


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      What is said about cell phone use in the mid-1980s in paragraph 5 A: It had a life-taking effect because there weren't enough cell phones in use then. B: The increased use of cell phones then caused a "life-taking effect." C: Traffic fatalities increased then because the number of cell phones in use decreased. D: Traffic fatalities decreased then because the number of cell phones in use increased.

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      Famous “James Bond” – Agent 007 spy series are typical action films. ( )

    • 2

      How to select examples? The examples you use to develop the thesis statement should be________________.

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      已知列表cars=&#91;'bmw','audi','toyota','subaru'&#93;,为了得到列表&#91;'subaru',<br/>'toyota', 'audi', 'bmw'&#93;,应该使用下面哪个方法(<br/>) A: cars.reverse() B: cars.reverse(True) C: cars.sort() D: sorted(cars)

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      Why do women use their phones more frequently?[2分]