• 2022-06-04
    Labors of Hercules refers ( ).
    A: a happy life
    B: an easy task
    C: an extremely difficult task requiring great strength or effort to accomplish
    D: an impossible task
  • C


    • 0

      a difficult task you can do only by making great effort A: struggle B: bar C: squeeze D: water channel

    • 1

      By the end of next year, we will ______. A: accomplish the task B: have accomplished the task C: be accomplishing D: have the task accomplished

    • 2

      He ______ accomplish the task in time.

    • 3

      accomplish the task A: 完成任务 B: 取得胜利

    • 4

      Great care should be taken to make sure the task is in line with the ______ ability to deal with the task. If the task is too easy, the students may think it is childish and thus lose interest.