• 2022-06-04
    中国大学MOOC: Zeus sends an eagle to eat Prometheus’ heart every day to punish him for his stealing fire for humans.
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      What was Zeus' punishment for humans for getting fire? A: Zeus withdrew fire from humans. B: Zeus started the Troy War. C: Pandora was created. D: Zeus killed Prometheus.

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      What was Zeus' punishment for humans for getting fire? A: Zeus withdrew fire from humans. B: Zeus started the Troy War. C: Pandora was created together with a box full of evils. D: Zeus killed Prometheus.

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      Which of the following is NOT an etiological myth(推源神话)? A: Humans eat good meat after sacrifice because Prometheus split meat between humans and gods. B: Earthquakes happen when angry Poseidon strikes the seabed with his trident. C: Zeus often cheats on his wife because he is the father of gods. D: Human have fire because Prometheus stole it for them.

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      Haphaestus, god of fire, fasten Prometheus to a steep cliff by a never-failing chain, and sent a bloodthirsty eagle to peck at his liver everyday.

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      中国大学MOOC: As a creator of mankind, ________________ stole fire for mankind. He was chained to Mount Caucasus, and every morning an eagle would appeared and ate his liver, which grow back at night.