- According to the passage, is the sentence "Actually, we listen to music just on one or the other of these three planes(the sensuous plane, the expressive plane and the sheerly musical plane)." true or false?
- 根据课文内容填空What is the sensuous plane?The sensuous plane is (1) ____________________ of listening to music is to listen for (2) __________________ of the musical sound itself. It is the plane on which we hear music without thinking, without considering it in any way.Oneturns on the radio while doing (3) ______________ and (4) _________________ bathes in the sound. A kind ofbrainless but attractive state of mind is (5) ______________ by the mere soundappeal of the music.
- The process of listening to music can be divided on three hypothetical planes: the sensuous plane, the expressive plane and the sheerly musical plane.
- If onewants to be anactive listener of music on the sensuous plane, he or she should be more aware of ______. A: the expressive plane and the sheerly musical plane B: the different kinds of sound stuff used by different composers C: the different styles of different composers
- 中国大学MOOC: On the sensuous plane, the pleasure is generated by the sound of the radio.
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What is the main characteristic of the musical plane? A: It can only be experienced by people who have studied to read music. B: It is the ability to experiencedifferent musical elements. C: It is the plane that we experience instinctively, without realizing it. D: It is the easiest of the three planesto appreciate.
- 1
When listening to music on the musical plane, we try to _______________. A: focus on the quality of sound produced and the intensity of the sound B: determine how the music interprets and clarifies our feelings C: focus on the movement and the structure of the piece
- 2
People listen to music on the following three planes: (1)the _____________ plane, (2) the ___________plane, (3) the___________ _____________ plane.
- 3
She has no formal (music / musical) qualifications. A: music B: musical
- 4
The sheerly musical plane is the ____ on the paper and the way in which they are strung together to ____ music. A: thoughts; create B: notes; create C: notes; listen to