• 2022-06-05
    ‏Which of the following is not the Chinese musical instrument?‌
    A: trumpet
    B: Pipa
    C: Guqin
    D: Xun
  • A


    • 0

      ‍ Which ones of the following Chinese classical musical instruments are native Chinese?​‍​ A: 埙 B: 琵琶 C: 笙 D: 唢呐

    • 1

      Which of the following is NOT true about the trumpet A: It has a long history. B: It has a large family. C: It produces a beautiful tone. D: It is the most popular musical instrument.

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      The ukulele is a instrument, which resembles a guitar.: Hawaiian musical small|Hawaiian small musical|small Hawaiian musical|small musical Hawaiian

    • 3

      Guqin, long viewed as an embodiment of Chinese music, philosophy and culture, is a traditional plucked strings instrument with a history more than ________years.

    • 4

      A trumpet is a brass instrument