中国大学MOOC: In MLA style, to create an entry for a source taken from an online database, begin with the appropriate form, and omit the medium (usually Print). Conclude the entry with the name of the database (in italics), the medium (Web), and the access date.
- In MLA style, to create an entry for a source taken from an online database, we should begin with the appropriate form, and conclude the entry with _________________.
- In MLA style, to identify a source, type the first main word in the Works Cited entry (usually the author’s last name) and the page reference immediately after the borrowed material.
- In MLA style, the name of the book in a series is placed at the end of the entry, before the medium.
- For a source with an author, its entry in a MLA “Works Cited” list should start with_______. A: the title of the author B: the given name of the author C: the family name of the author
- For a source with an author, its entry in a MLA “Works Cited” list should start with_______.