中国大学MOOC: 刺绣俗称“绣花”,在中国至少有三千年的历史,目前传世最早的刺绣为湖南长沙战国楚墓中出土的绣品。
- 目前传世最早的刺绣,为湖南长沙楚墓中出土的两件绣品,属于()时期 A: 周朝 B: 战国 C: 汉朝 D: 唐
- 刺绣俗称“绣花”,在中国至少有三千年的历史,目前传世最早的刺绣为湖南长沙战国楚墓中出土的绣品。 A: Embroidery, also known as xiuhua in Chinese, has a history of at least three thousand years, the earliest embroidery that remains today is unearthed from the Chu tomb of the Warring States Period in Changsha, Hunan Province. B: Embroidery, also known as xiuhua in Chinese, has a history of at least three thousand years. The earliest embroidery that remains today is unearthed from the Chu tomb of the Warring States Period in Changsha, Hunan Province. C: / D: /
- 长沙楚墓中出土的龙凤图案刺绣,是现在已经发现的中国最早的刺绣实物之一。
- 传世帛画年代最早的是湖南长沙出土的战国时期楚墓中的帛画——《凤夔美女》。
- 我国现在发现的最早的帛画,是湖南长沙出土的战国楚墓帛画《人物龙凤图》。