• 2022-06-05
    John should have been aware of the _ of smoking to his health.
    A: dangerous
    B: danger
    C: safety
    D: safe
  • B


    • 0

      The polluted air in the city is badly ______ the health of the residents. A: danger B: endangering C: dangerous D: dangerously

    • 1

      John__________havingdonesomethingwrong. A: have been aware B: has been aware of C: has been awared of

    • 2

      ______ , his poor health was due to his smoking habit.

    • 3

      You ________________ give up smoking, for smoking is harmful to your health. A: shouldn't B: should

    • 4

      ________ is bad for his health. A: Mike smoking B: Mike's smoking C: Mike's being smoking D: Mike smokes