• 2022-06-05
    Before a product presentation, the presenter should have a clear idea about the _______ of the presentation.
    A: A. effect
    B: B. audience
    C: C. structure
    D: D. objective
  • D


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      At the beginning of a product presentation, the presenter should state the _______ to help the audience get a general ideal of the presentation.

    • 1

      A well _______ presentation with a clear structure is easier for the audience to follow. A: organize B: organizing C: organizes D: organized

    • 2

      How is Rule of Three applied in a presentation? A: The body of a presentation is composed of no more than three paragraphs. B: Typically there are three parts in a presentation. C: The main idea should be repeated three times. D: Each idea should be supported by three arguments.

    • 3

      Which is not the feature of a presentation? A: A presentation use visual aids to show some information to the audience. B: A presentation involves explaining your ideas. C: When you explain something, the presenter should not talk about the backstory about the topic. D: When presenting ideas, the presenter need to use formal and academic language.

    • 4

      A product presentation may be given to _________. A: A. customers B: B. management C: C. sales staff D: D. investors