• 2022-06-05
    Which of the following did NOT belong to Ronanticism ?
    A: Keats.
    B: Shelley.
    C: Wondsworth.
    D: Defoe.
  • D


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      Which of the following were novelists of the Romantic period in English literature? A: Jane Austen B: Mary Shelley C: John Keats D: Charles Lamb

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following did not belong to Romanticism in Great Britain?

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following writer did NOT belong to Romanticism of British literature?

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      Which of the following was Not created by Shelley?

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      The Lyrical Ballads was written by _________. A: Shelley B: Wordsworth and Coleridge C: Blake and Keats D: Byran and Shelley