• 2022-06-05
    Harry has been (homeless )for the past year.
    A: 无家可归的
    B: 失望的
    C: 高兴的
    D: 痛苦的
  • A


    • 0

      下雨:路滑( )。 A: 晴天:太阳 B: 伤心:痛苦 C: 失望:高兴 D: 播种:收获

    • 1

      下雨∶路滑( ) A: 晴天∶太阳 B: 伤心∶痛苦 C: 失望∶高兴 D: 播种∶收获

    • 2

      下雨:路滑() A: 美丽:丑陋 B: 伤心:痛苦 C: 失望:高兴 D: 播种:收获

    • 3

      Gina _____ in college for one year. A: is B: was C: being D: has been

    • 4

      Only in the past few years _______ to improve the living conditions in this area. A: something has been done B: there is something done C: has there something been done D: has something been done