• 2022-06-05
    In an organization, communication can be divided into two groups: the formal communication and the informal communication.
  • 内容

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      In business context, there are 3 major patterns of communication in terms of directions, i.e. ____________communication, _______________communication, _______________communication.

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      6. In terms of intercultural communication, it involves different forms of communication, such as international communication, inter-ethnic communication, interracial communication,and intracultural communication. A. True B. False

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      Which of the following belong to formal communication? A: Downward communication B: Upward communication C: Horizontal communication D: Rumor mill

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      Which is “communication that comes to the point and lacks ambiguity” ?( ) A: Formal communication B: Indirect communication C: Low context D: Direct communication

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      There are two kinds of cross-cultural communication: unilateral communication and ___ A: A. successful communication B: B. verbal communication C: C. bilateral communication D: D. unsuccessful communication