• 2022-06-05
    special about streets named after Dr. King in the U.S. and Puerto
  • D


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      In the U.S. -Spanish War, Spain was defeated and had to give up Cuba and Puerto Rico to the U.S. and had to sell the Philippines to the United States.

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      It can be learned from the passage that ______ . A: Puerto Rico belongs to the USA B: Puerto Rico is part of Spain C: Puerto Rico is an independent country D: Puerto Rico has the highest peak in Latin America

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      What's the character of Puerto Rico A: Either new or old. B: Mixture of different people. C: Too many fast food restaurants. D: Either Spanish or American.

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      What's special about the battery door? A: It's fixed with rubber. B: It's at the bottom. C: It's specially designed for safekeeping.

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      America’s victory over Spain in 1898 also brought the Philippines and Puerto Rico in American territories as well as oversight of Cuba. _______( )