The first ten amendments added to the constitution in 1791 was called the _____ _____ _____.
the Bill of Rights
- ______ to the Constitution, as the foundation of the American constitutional system, were called the Bill of Rights. A: The first three amendments B: The first five amendments C: The first ten amendments D: The first twelve amendments
- The<br/>Constitution of the United States has __ ____ amendments now, with<br/>the last one added in 1992. A: 25 B: 26 C: 27 D: 28
- The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States.
- Karl Marx called The Declaration of Independence________ A: the first decision made by the Second Continental Congress B: the first declaration of the rights of the individual C: the first Bill of Rights D: the first Constitution of the United States
- The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States. A: 72% B: 73% C: 74% D: 75%
- 0
The US. Constitution came into effect in _____. ( ). A: 1791 B: 1793 C: 1789 D: 1787
- 1
The Bill of Rights is the term for the first ____ amendments to the Constitution.
- 2
The U.S. Constitution came into effect in ______.(5.0分) A: 1787 B: 1789 C: 1791 D: 1793
- 3
The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ).
- 4
The Constitution of 1982 gathered the previous constitutional acts into a single framework and added ___ A: the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms B: the Stature of Westminster C: theCanada Act D: the Constitution Act