• 2022-06-05
    Constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which __________acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution.
    A: a president
    B: a prime minister
    C: a Governor-Genera
    D: a monarch
  • D


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      How will the people of UK call their head of government? A: President B: Prime Minister C: Chancellor

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      ‌The birthday of the _____ is a National Day in Britain.‌‌‌ A: head of the House of Commons B: British Monarch C: Prime Minister D: head of the House of Lords

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      The system of government in Canada is______________ A: Constitutional monarchy B: Republic C: Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy D: Autocracy

    • 3

      The head of government of Canada is represented by A: the Queen. B: the Prime Minister. C: the Governor General. D: D. the Cabinet Minister.

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      英国的国家元首是下列哪一个? A: 国王 King or Queen B: 总统 President C: 首相 Prime Minister D: 总督 Governor