• 2021-04-14
    Lucy worked as a part-time tour guide during the holiday, _____ she got 2,000 yuan a month.
  • and


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      A manufacturing company always carries finished goods inventory equal to 20% of the next month's budgeted sales. Sales for the current month are 2,000 units and are budgeted to be 20% higher next month. How many units will be produced in the current month?( ) A: 2,000 (no adjustment) B: 2,080 C: 1,920 (400 + 2,000 – 480) D: 2,400 (2,000 + 400)

    • 1

      The tour guide should arrive at the airport ten minutes before the arrival time of the flight.

    • 2

      Lucy is single and she hasn't got ______ (marry) yet.

    • 3

      The company adjusts it acounts every month. The total revenue for the month is $5000, among which $2000 is received in the current month, and ¥4000 will be paid next month. What is the total revenue for the current month. A: $3,000 B: $2,000 C: $5,000 D: None of the above.

    • 4

      She ____ come on holiday next month if her parents give her permission.