• 2022-06-05
    When you hear “Would you like something to drink?”, you can use the following sentences except:
    A: What kind of drinks do you have?
    B: May I see the wine list?
    C: I would like orange juice.
    D: Thank you all the same.
  • D


    • 0

      翻译:我想来点清淡些的,你能推荐什么吗? A: I'd like something light, what would you recommend B: I' like something hot,what would you recommend C: I' like something heavy,What would you recommend D: I' like something sour,What would you recommend

    • 1

      您来点喝的吗? A: Do you like anything to drink? B: Do you like to drink something? C: Would you like anything to drink?

    • 2

      – Uh, I’d like a hamburger, large fries and a small pepsi.– ______? A: Are you ready to order B: For here or to go C: What dressing would you like on the salad D: Would you like something to drink with that

    • 3

      I ___ me what happened. A: would like you tell B: would like you to tell C: would like you telling D: would like you that you tell

    • 4

      _________ you like to have some drinks? A: Would B: May C: Can