• 2022-06-05
    My dear, tomorrow is our wedding .
    A: souveni
    B: anniversary
    C: travel
    D: ceremonies
  • B


    • 0

      We always()our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner. A: Amake B: Bhold C: Ccelebrate D: Dremember

    • 1

      As the time for my parents’ fiftieth wedding anniversary approached, my brothers and I met to plan the party. (Para. 8)

    • 2

      If you ____ come to my wedding tomorrow, I will be very glad. A: will B: shall C: should D: would

    • 3

      The wedding ceremony of my sister was a very _____ experience for our family.

    • 4

      Since we have invited all the other neighbors to our 25th wedding anniversary party, we ______ invite the Browns too.