• 2022-06-05
    ‍It is essential to make your presentation impressive by giving abrupt elements and making them out of the expectation of the audience.‍
  • 内容

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      Which of these should you avoid while giving your presentation? A: Repeating yourself and going off topic B: Making frequent eye contact with your audience C: Talking slowly D: Using occasional pauses

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      What kind of elements of the audience are essential in affecting an oral presentation's organization and content? A: Age and gender B: Education C: Size of the audience D: Age, gender, education and size of the audience

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      What can you say to conclude a presentation? A: Remind your audience of the main points. B: Tell the audience the significance of your research. C: Show your gratitude to the audience. D: All the above.

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      中国大学MOOC:"Tips on how to make a presentation are listed below. Which FOUR of them are given PARTICULARLY for making a persuasive presentation?";

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      Now you are planning to give a 5-minute speech to your classmates in this course on a topic you are interested in. Think about the purpose, topic, audience and venue of your presentation and answer the following questions. 1) What is your purpose of giving the presentation? 2) What topic do you want to address? 3) What are the main points you want to make? 4) What do you know about your audience? 5) What do you know about the presentation venue?