kinds of new LED devices are perovskite LED and organic LED. (
kinds of new LED devices are perovskite LED and organic LED. (
- LED采用倒装芯片结构,即FC-LED,可以改善LED的散热性能。(<br/>)
- What did the invention of the World Wide Web lead to/ A: It led to an innovative way of thinking and working. B: It led to the proliferation of new applications, which were no longer limited to enterprise-related activities but digitized almost any activity in our lives. C: It led to a new era for new media. D: It led to a new era for creation.
- P0.0所控制LED被命名为LED。下面程序片段中()可以使LED闪烁两次。A.()LED=0;delay();()B.()LED=0;delay();LED=1;delay();()C.()LED=0;delay();LED=1;delay();()LED=0;delay();LED=1;delay();()D.()LED=0;delay()()LED=1;delay();()LED=0;delay()()LED=1;delay();
- LED=!LED的含义是( )。 A: 点亮LED B: LED的状态取反 C: 熄灭LED
- 下列C语言编程语句符合语法要求的是() A: sbit<br/>led=P1^0 B: sbit<br/>key=P3.5 C: key=1; D: LED=KEY,