• 2022-06-05
    The idea behind the Laffer curve is that increases in tax rates do not increase tax revenues proportionately because they decrease the:
    A: demand for labor.
    B: supply of labor.
    C: productivity of labor.
  • B


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      Marginal product of labor is the increase in the amount of output from an additional unit of labor. A: right. B: wrong.

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      Which of the following will cause an increase in the demand for labor A: An increase in the labor supply. B: A decrease in labor productivity. C: An increase in the demand for the final good or service.

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      Because the productivity of labor decreases as the quantity of labor employed increases, A: the quantity of labor a firm demands increases as the real wage rate decreases. B: the quantity of labor a firm demands increases as the money wage rate decreases. C: the labor demand curve shifts right as the real wage rate decreases. D: the aggregate production function shifts upward as the real wage rate decreases.

    • 3

      Which of the following can be predicted to increase the demand for labor? a. An increase in the price of a gross complement to labor b. A decrease in the price of a gross substitute for labor c. A decrease in the number of firms d. An increase in product demand A: An increase in the price of a gross complement to labor B: A decrease in the price of a gross substitute for labor C: A decrease in the number of firms D: An increase in product demand

    • 4

      In the labor market, an increase in labor productivity ________ the real wage rate and ________ the level of employment. A: raises; increases B: raises; decreases C: lowers; increases D: lowers; decreases