• 2022-06-05
    The Thatcher Revolution involved __________.
    A: reductions in welfare benefits
    B: privatization of state-owned industry
    C: selling of council houses
    D: increasing trade unions’ power
  • A,B,C


    • 0

      In China, ( ) have power to promulgate local environmental quality standards. A: provincial governments B: governments of provincial capital C: governments at or above the county level D: governments approved by the State Council

    • 1

      The trade unions ____ employers to invest more money in staff training.

    • 2

      Which industry is a traditional energy industry in Britain? A: Nuclear power B: Coal mining industry C: Auto-making industry D: Oil industry

    • 3

      Britain began to build a “welfare state” after 1954.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: Deregulation is the process of removing legal restrictions to the free play of markets, the establishment of state owned enterprises, and the manner in which state owned enterprises operate.