• 2022-06-05
    Which of following is not an effective way of learning vocabulary?
    A: learn by spelling
    B: learn by context
    C: regular review
    D: learn in groups
  • A


    • 0

      Reading English aloud in the morning is a good way______English well. A: for learning B: to learn C: that learn D: with learning

    • 1

      A good way to learn new vocabulary is by ______ magazines in<br/>English. A: read B: reading C: to read

    • 2

      Time should be made a good use ____ our lessons well. A: of to learn B: of learning C: to learn D: to learning

    • 3

      It is no good ______ English without speaking English. A: to learn B: learn C: learning D: learned

    • 4

      I’m ________ that Smith was ommitted from the team. A: surprised to learn B: surprised learning C: surprising to learn D: surprising learning