• 2022-06-06
    When I turned it on, a wave of familiarity washed over me as it buzzed, calling me to note the missed texts and information over the past two days.
  • 当我打开它,熟悉的嗡嗡声一波一波地传来,提醒我过去两天里错过的短信和消息。


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      妈妈上楼来查看我们这些孩子时,我转过身假装睡着了。 A: When Mom came upstairs to check on us kids, I turned over and pretended to be asleep. B: When Mom came upstairs to check for us kids, I turned over and pretended to be asleep. C: When Mom came upstairs to check for us kids, I turned over and pretended to be sleep.

    • 1

      She promised to repay me in two days. But the days ________ into months and I never got a cent back from him. A: lasted B: stretched C: entered D: melt

    • 2

      ---Excuse me, could you tell me(__)? ---Certainly. At a quarter past two in the afternoon. A: when will the train leave B: when the train would leave C: when the train left D: when the train leaves

    • 3

      What happened when they turned back toward shore? (Para. 14)A wave 1_______ over them and the rip current 2_______ them out to the sea.

    • 4

      He promised to repay me in three days. But days ______ into months and i never got a cent back from him.