• 2022-06-06
    The author left his parents and came to London because ______.
  • he was unsatisfied working for others and he wanted to start a business of his own and to make money also in London


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      7. The author quit his job because _________.

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      The author is an optimist because his life is good and happy.

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      The headmaster looked at the author disapprovingly _____. A: As an officer might look at a carelessly dressed soldier B: because the latter had left his bootlaces undone C: because the latter looked too nervous D: because the latter did not show due respect

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      It was the ______that his friend had left in his truck that led the author to change his idea and to go to the hospital immediately.

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      Dialogue Two [音频] A: Because he forget to shake hands. B: Because he used his left hand to shake with the boss. C: Because he shook hands with his left hand in his pocket. D: Because he shook hands with the boss weakly.