• 2022-06-06
    2. pipe connecting engine to muffler to conduct spent gases away from engine
  • c)exhaust pipe


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      (任选一题作答) 1) What is engine flameout? (2分)What are the possible reasons for engine flameout? What will you do if you encounter engine flameout during flight? 2) What is engine fire? (2分)What are the possible reasons for engine fire? What will you do if you encounter engine fire during flight?

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      From the author’s point of view, languag...ar engine (adjust ).

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      engine shut down in flight A: Foreign object ingestion B: Engine shut-down C: Engine disintegrated D: Engine power loss

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      Automotive engines are classified as the reciprocating engine and rotary engine according to the way they work; as the gasoline engine and diesel engine according to fuel they burn;

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      A two stroke diesel engine exhaust temperature will be lower than a four stroke diesel engine of the same displacement because the _____. ① MEP is lower and the scavenging air is cooling the exhaust gases ② valve overlap in a four stroke A.① B.② C.① and ② D.Neither ① nor ② is correct