• 2022-06-06
    His charm is________( deny) , but I still do not trusthim.
  • undeniable


    • 0

      When I put my hand on his chest, I could feel his heart still . A: eat B: to be beating C: eating D: was beating

    • 1

      虽然浑身酸软,可是不干活不行呀!______ A: Though I still ached all over, I must work. B: Though I still ached all over, I could not but work. C: Though I still ached all over, I had to work. D: Though I still ached all over, there was nothing to do but work.

    • 2

      Armed with all the first-hand evidence, I was able to()his argument in the court A: deny B: refuse C: contradict D: refute

    • 3

      Do you deny _________ for the sinister game?

    • 4

      A: Do you still work in that supermarket? B: Yes. I (work) there ever since 2009.