• 2022-06-06
    Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main types of writings __________ formal language is used.
    A: on which
    B: which
    C: that
    D: in which
  • D


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      The following are some statements about formal words. Choose the one which is not correct. A: Most formal words are of Saxon origin. B: Formal words are also called “big” words. C: Formal words mainly appear in formal writing, such as scholarly works, legal documents etc. D: Most formal words usually contain three or more than three syllables.

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      There are 4 types of market segmentation which are most commonly used. They are _______. A: demographic segmentation B: behavioral segmentation C: psychographic segmentation D: geographic segmentation

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      Which of the following has the most informal form? A: government documents B: academic papers C: casual conversations D: prepared public speeches

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      Which of the following is the least formal? A: memos B: faxes C: letters D: emails

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: There are 4 types of market segmentation which are most commonly used. They are: demographic segmentation, behavioral segmentation, ___________ segmentation and Geographic segmentation.