• 2022-06-06
    The prefix pulmon(o)- as in pulmonology means______.
    A: pleura
    B: larynx
    C: lung
    D: pharynx
  • C


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      The ( ) is a tube that connects the larynx to the right and left bronchi (plural of bronchus), tubular branches into which the larynx divides. A: pharynx B: larynx C: trachea D: amphiarthrosis

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      ​The throat is the common name for __________?‍ A: pharynx B: larynx C: glottis D: esophagus

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      ‎上呼吸道包括‏ A: Nose B: Pharynx C: Larynx D: Trachea和Bronchi

    • 3

      The_____ functions as the organ of phonation. A: nose B: mouth C: pharynx D: larynx

    • 4

      ____ serve(s) as a food and air passageway. A: Pharynx B: Larynx C: Trachea D: Lungs