• 2022-06-06
    A: Waht (1)___________ (do)?B: I (2)_________(make) breakfast.A: (3)_________(you) always (4)_________(have) so many things for breakfast?B: Oh, no. I (5)_________(not) usually (6)________(have) breakfast. It's for the boys.
  • are you doing# am making# Do you# have# do not; don't# have


    • 0

      -What do you usually have for ______ breakfast?-A piece of bread and ______ egg. A: a; an B: /; the C: a; the D: /; an

    • 1

      I ______ (have) breakfast this morning.

    • 2

      I have ___ breakfast at 7 every day.

    • 3

      12.What do you have _____ breakfast? A: to B: about C: for D: at

    • 4

      I will have my breakfast at 7 yesterday morning.