• 2022-06-06
    I’m sorry to hear that the girl _____ home for 2 days .
    A: A . left
    B: B . is away from
    C: C . has left
    D: D . has been away from
  • D


    • 0

      When I arrived home, he ________ for almost one hour. A: had left B: left C: had been away D: was away

    • 1

      The headmaster ______ for more than two weeks. A: has left B: has gone C: has been away

    • 2

      He has been away from home __________ three months ago. A: since B: for C: during D: before

    • 3

      I’m sorry you’ve missed the train, it ________ five minutes ago. A: has left B: had left C: left D: had been left

    • 4

      He _____ from school for 15 years. A: been away B: left C: returned D: graduated