• 2022-06-06
    A: hasvisit
    B: havevisited
    C: hasstayed
    D: visited
  • B


    • 0

      I was frightened when I went to bed, especially ________ (as, for) my room was sofar up.

    • 1

      I visited that city long ago.It ______ since I visited that city.

    • 2

      I ( ) my uncle yesterday( )。 A: is visiting B: has visited C: visit D: visited

    • 3

      I _______ the Great Wall once. I went there last October. A: visited B: have visited C: am visiting D: visit

    • 4

      I didn't find your phone number, otherwise I ______ you long before. A: had visited B: have visited C: would have visited D: should visit