• 2022-06-06
    What does the professor mean when she says this:
    A: The photographer’s viewpoint is subjective.
    B: Photographs should represent an objective point of view.
    C: It’s impossible for a photographer to be unbiased.
    D: The images often reflect the photographer’s prejudic
  • B


    • 0

      What’s Miss Patty Ching’s problem A: To be a keen photographer is too costly. B: She has to develop 10 rolls of films. C: All her films were vanished. D: After the trip, she was too tired to choose a good photo service.

    • 1

      42. What does the author mean when he says, “we can’t turn the clock back” (Line 1, Para. 3)? A: It’s impossible to forget the past. B: The social reality children are facing cannot be changed. C: Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten. D: It’s impossible to slow down the pace of change.

    • 2

      What does the author mean when he says, "we can' t mm the clock back" (the underlined clause in Para. 3) A: It's impossible to slow down the pace of change. B: The social reality children axe facing cannot be changed. C: Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten. D: It's impossible to forget the past.

    • 3

      What does the professor mean when she says this: A: Environmental psychology helps protect nature. B: The environment can be protected by psychologists. C: Environmental psychology is a general field of study. D: Psychologists need to reflect on the importance of natur

    • 4

      A good photographer pays as much attention to the ______ of a picture as he does to the subject.