ton ( )
A: to express honor
or esteem towards.
B: to be without.
C: a unit of weight
equal to 2,240 pounds or 1,016.06 kilograms, used in Great Britain;
long __________.
D: like one
another; similar.
A: to express honor
or esteem towards.
B: to be without.
C: a unit of weight
equal to 2,240 pounds or 1,016.06 kilograms, used in Great Britain;
long __________.
D: like one
another; similar.
- lend ( ) A: a roadside<br/>restaurant that serves inexpensive meals at a long counter or booths. B: like one<br/>another; similar. C: to express honor<br/>or esteem towards. D: to give with the<br/>understanding that what has been given will be returned.
- If<br/>one thing or person ______ another, they look like or<br/>be similar to each other.
- CAUSE 1[br][/br] She used to work long hours and didn't 2)__________much anymore.
- pause ( ) A: anything used<br/>for building or making something else. B: to stop for a<br/>short time. C: a unit of length<br/>equal to three feet or 0.9144 meters. D: awake; able to<br/>feel, think, hear, and see.
- If an economy is producing<br/>efficiently, then ____ A: there is no way to produce<br/>more of one good without producing less of another good. B: it is possible to produce<br/>more of both goods without increasing the quantities of inputs that<br/>are being used. C: it is possible to produce<br/>more of one good without producing less of the other. D: it is not possible to<br/>produce more of any good at any cost.