• 2022-06-06
    Trade between countries ( )
    A: allows
    each country to consume at a point outside its production
    possibilities frontier.
    B: limits
    a country’s ability to produce goods and services on its own.
    C: must
    benefit both countries equally; otherwise, trade is not mutually
    D: can
    best be understood by examining the countries’ absolute
  • A


    • 0

      According<br/>to the Marshall-Lerner condition, currency depreciation has no effect<br/>on a country's trade balance if the elasticity of demand for its<br/>exports plus the elasticity of demand for its imports equals() A: 0.1 B: 0.5 C: 1.0 D: 2.0

    • 1

      We can’t<br/>________other countries in trade if we don’t develop our<br/>economy. A: compete for B: compete against C: catch up D: catch with

    • 2

      If country A has a comparative advantage in producing shoes, then________________________.( ). A: other countries will never produce shoes if trade is allowed B: it can produce shoes at lower opportunity costs than other countries can C: it has more factors of production used in the production of shoes relative to other countries D: it can produce shoes using more resources than other countries can

    • 3

      In<br/>the real world, we do not see full factor-price equalization. Which<br/>of the following cannot explain it? _____________ A: The<br/>majority of the factors of production cannot be traded. B: Different countries use<br/>different technologies for producing a particular good. C: Transportation costs and<br/>trade barriers D: uneven ownership of human<br/>capital

    • 4

      In the Linder theory of trade, a country sends goods to other countries which , and the greatest trade of a country is expected to be with countries which have per capita income levels that of the original country.