• 2022-06-06
    A tunnel would be ______.
    A: less expensive to be built than a bridge
    B: more expensive to be built than a bridge
    C: less expensive to be built than a rail
    D: more expensive to be built than a rail
  • A


    • 0

      These oranges are less expensive than those.

    • 1

      The ring is ______ than the book. A: more expensive B: most expensive C: the expensive D: expensiver

    • 2

      The new cell phone is ()the previous one A: expensive B: more expensive than C: most expensive

    • 3

      These oranges are not __________expensive __________ those. A: as , as B: less, than C: much, than D: so, as

    • 4

      Bottled water is ( more / less ) expensive than tap water. It costs almost 1000 times more.