• 2022-06-06
    However, parents, teachers and students take on quite different views and, ______, they seem not to have reached any compromises yet.
    A: consequently
    B: frequently
    C: consciously
    D: unconsciously
  • A


    • 0

      every year many .......... A: students B: students or their parents C: parents D: teachers

    • 1

      We()on it for many hours but we have not yet reached any concinsion. A: work B: have been worked C: have been working D: are working

    • 2

      We ______ on it for many hours, but we have not yet reached any conclusion. A: are being worked B: are working C: have been working D: have been worked

    • 3

      The New Compact project is different from the Edison Project because in it ______. A: teachers are discovering for themselves what children and parents need B: there is someone telling teachers how to teach and what to learn C: teachers are from better background D: students and parents go to school together

    • 4

      The central idea conveyed in the above passage is that______. A: home training is more important than school training in that a child spends so many hours with parents B: teachers can and should help parents to understand the objectives of the school C: parents need to realize how to cooperate with the teachers in educating their children D: parents have unconsciously hindered and obstructed curricular objectives