• 2022-06-06
    Let's go to Paris _____________.
    A: by plane
    B: by a plane
    C: a plane
    D: by the plane
  • A


    • 0

      If you took a plane to a place, you went there ________. A: on plane B: through plane C: by air D: in sky

    • 1

      Which<br/>plane that axial surfaces of folds are parallel to? ____ A: plane<br/>AB B: plane<br/>AC C: plane<br/>BC D: anyone may be possible

    • 2

      As mentioned in the last paragraph,a wind tunnel can be used to find out____. A: how fast a plane can rise B: how smooth a plane’s surface is C: how a plane lands in a strong wind D: how a plane drops at a low height

    • 3

      For plane bending the characteristics of deformation are ( ). A: The cross section remains plane when bent; B: The axis after deformation is a plane curve; C: All external loads act on the same plane; D: The axis after deformation is in the same plane with the loading plane.

    • 4

      It takes ____________ time to go there by plane than by train.