• 2022-06-06
    For Christians, Easter's Day is a holiday centered around the ______________of Jesus Christ.
    A: A. death
    B: B. recovery
    C: C. resurrection
    D: D. birth
  • C


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      Easter is the chief Christian festival, which celebrates ______. A: the birth of Jesus Christ B: the Resurrection of Jesus Christ C: the coming of Spring D: the revival of Christianity

    • 1

      Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the( )of Jesus Christ. A: Birth B: Death C: Marriage D: Divorce

    • 2

      is the day set aside to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. A: Easter Sunday B: Easter Friday C: Easter Saturday D: Wester Sunday

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      Easter, also called Easter Day or Easter Sunday, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his Crucifixion.

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      Easter commemoratcs . A: the birth of Jesus Christ. B: the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. C: the coming of spring. D: the Crucifixion and Resurection of Jesus Christ.