• 2021-04-14
    以下关于激光器的说法正确的是? Which of the following statements about lasers are correct?
  • 激光器所发出的激光波长本质上取决于受激物质的带隙,谐振腔只起到选频的作用。 Laser wavelength is essentially determined by the band gap of the stimulated material, and the resonator only plays the role of frequency selection.双异质结条形激光器的限制层折射率小于有源层。 The refractive index of the limiting layer of the double heterojunction strip laser is less than that of the active layer.双异质结条形激光器的前后晶体解理面构成了谐振腔,可以对有源层产生的受激辐射光进行选频率放大。 The crystal cleavage surfaces of double heterojunction strip lasers form a resonator, which can selectively amplify the stimulated radiation produced by the active layer.


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      Which of the following statements about the topic sentence is NOT correct?

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      Which of the following statements about Old Faithfulare correct?

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      Which of the following statements about Apple Park is correct?

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      . Which of the following statements about stream of consciousness are correct?

    • 4

      Which of the following statements about “Conclusion” in an abstract are correct?