• 2022-06-06
    根据Sally 和她家庭的情况提问。You know that Sally's brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Sally. ______________(what / he do)?
  • What does your brother do;What does he do


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      -Do you know()-Yes, he works in a hospital. A: where does her father work B: where her father works C: what does her father do D: what her father does

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      What’s the relationship between Peter and Sally?Sally is Peter’s ________________.

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      ----____________.----He has a slight fever. A: How’s your brother going? B: What are you going to do? C: What’s the matter with your brother? D: What does your brother have?

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      Does he play the piano? → Do you know __________________________?

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      What did Sally want to do? A: to win more B: to have fun with her friends.