• 2022-06-06
    W: Would you mind turning down the TV a bitM: Not at all. What’s the man doing()
    A: Turning down the TV.
    B: Watching TV.
    C: Answering the phone.
  • B


    • 0

      The child is sleeping, and would you please turn ________ TV alittle? A: on B: up C: down D: off

    • 1

      What ____you ___(do) at that time? We ____(watch) TV. A: were, doing B: were watching C: was, doing; D: are watching

    • 2

      你写完作业了,想看会电视,应该说: A: Can I watch TV? B: Can you watch TV? C: I can watch TV.

    • 3

      The following expressions are used to ask people to do something. Which one is the most polite one? A: I’d appreciate it if you could turn down the music B: Could you please turn down the music? C: Would you mind turning down the music

    • 4

      How did Maya feel about being on TV? A: She felt eager to be on TV. B: She felt urged to be on TV. C: She felt frightened to be on TV. D: She felt surprised to be on TV.