• 2022-06-06
    市区天气预报:今天多云转少云,最高气温1°C,最低气温 –4° C。预计本地区明后两天少云,风力不大,气温变化不大。
  • Weather outlook for the urban area: It’ll be cloudy today, and later turn to be partly cloudy. The high will be one degrees Celsius and the low four degrees below zero. It is expected to be partly cloudy in the next two days. The winds will be calm with little change of the temperature.


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      【单选题】天气预报报告:“某地今天气温 0 °C-5°C,明天气温-2°C――4°C。”明天气温比今天()了。 A. 上升 B. 下降

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      从年气温变化来看,河北省()月份气温最低,()月份气温最高。 A: 1、9 B: 1、7 C: 2、9 D: 2、6