• 2022-06-06
    When is Tom going to help Wang Hua with her English
    A: She wants the man to see a film with her.
    B: She wants the man to play basketball.
    C: She wants the man to play.
  • A


    • 0

      听力题 What do we learn about the woman from this conversation? A: She'll give hers to the man if he buys her a coffee. B: She wants the man to buy a calculator C: She wants to buy another calculator. D: She invite the man to have a cup of coffee.

    • 1

      2. Mary is friendly to Lily because she wants her to help her.

    • 2

      Listening 1 "Professor’s Office" {$mediaurl} Why does the professor say this: A: Because she doesn’t understand what the man wants her to do B: Because she has finished the discussion about the man’s problem C: Because she wants the man to be more specific about his plan D: Because she does not want to do what the man suggests

    • 3

      What does Lily want to do A: She wants to get back her dictionary. B: She wants to harrow a dictionary. C: She wants to lend Tom a dictionary.

    • 4

      What does Lily want to do A: She wants to borrow a dictionary. B. She wants to lend Tom a dictionary. C. She wants to get back her dictionary,