• 2022-06-06
    Xiao Wang: Do you mind if I speak to you in English Mary: ().But why
  • D


    • 0

      _____ you speak English? A: Do B: Does

    • 1

      You don't mind ______ you Xiao Li, do you? A: call B: to call C: to calling D: my calling

    • 2

      Do you mind if I ask you a _______?

    • 3

      Mary: Do you mind my taking this seat Peter: ______

    • 4

      Mary: What are you working on Susan: I"m doing some embroidery. Mary: ______ Susan: I don"t do very much, just for very special occasions. A: I didn"t know you did needlework. B: I think you have done a good job. C: Where did you learn to do needlework D: Why do you do needlework