• 2022-06-06
    In the past two years, China ________ second, after the United States, in absorbing foreign investment.
    A: graded
    B: ranked
    C: ranged
    D: scaled
  • B


    • 0

      Situated in _____________, the Colon Free Trade Zone is the world second largest free trade zone, after China's Hong Kong. A: Panama B: Germany C: the United States D: New Zealand

    • 1

      Which countries reached an agreement at a United Nations conference A: The United States, China, India, Brazil and South Africa. B: The United States, China, Japan, Brazil and South Africa. C: The United States, China, India, New Zealand and South Africa. D: The United States, China, India, Brazil and Kore

    • 2

      He had lived illegally in the United States for five years after his visitors visa ______.

    • 3

      After years of living in the United States he eventually got himself acquainted with the ________ of taxation in that country.

    • 4

      5. After three years in the United States, she finally _____ all the difficulties and obtained the doctoral degree