• 2021-04-14
    Choose the points the woman mentions.
  • Quality control involves individuals outside the quality control team.Quality control is to ensure that products or services meet specific requirements.What is quality control?Quality control covers not only products and services, but also people.


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      please listen to the video in the website on the issue of social media and then answer the following questions (1分55秒到1分59秒)The woman mentions that social media__________

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      Will the woman choose the black one or the red one A: [A] The black one. B: The red one. C: She wouldn’t choose any of them.

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      Choose the best answer1.who do they like? A: man B: woman C: boy D: girl

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      The librarian suggests that the woman go and choose her books while her tickets are being prepared.

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      Listento the dialogues, and then choose the best answer to each of the followingquestions. A: The woman told him it was her birthday B: An unnamed person told him about the woman’sbirthday. C: A bird told him it was the woman’s birthday. D: Someone whom the woman didn’t know told himabout the woman’s birthday.