• 2022-06-06
    In the following statement, which cannot be a coding standard?
    A: Construct an appropriate layout of the code.
    B: Make a meaningful name of the variable meaningful.
    C: Make a short name of the variable.
    D: Add comments.
  • C


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      b.Choose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary.Cambridge is always full of _________inthe summer

    • 1

      Which of the following type of variable is visible only within a function where it is defined? A: global variable B: local variable C: Both of the above. D: None of the above.

    • 2

      When a factory is operating in the short run, A: it cannot alter variable costs. B: total cost and variable cost are usually the same. C: average fixed cost rises as output increases. D: it cannot adjust the quantity of fixed inputs.

    • 3

      Which of the following means CANNOT make your language more cautious?

    • 4

      A variable defined in the main () function is called a global variable.