The pregnancy cycle can be divided into ()
A: early pregnancy (the first 14 weeks pregnant)
B: second trimester pregnancy (from 15 to 28 weeks pregnant)
C: late pregnancy (from 29 to 42 weeks pregnant)
D: prolonged pregnancy
A: early pregnancy (the first 14 weeks pregnant)
B: second trimester pregnancy (from 15 to 28 weeks pregnant)
C: late pregnancy (from 29 to 42 weeks pregnant)
D: prolonged pregnancy
- Prenatal ultrasound is usually performed for five times. They are<br/>( ). A: ultrasonography during early pregnancy (6-8 weeks pregnant) B: ultrasonography at 11-14 weeks pregnant C: ultrasonography at 20-24 weeks pregnant D: ultrasonography at 28-32 weeks pregnant, preclinical ultrasonography
- Which is suitable for vacuum aspiration? A: pregnancy of less than 10 weeks B: pregnancy of less than 12 weeks C: pregnancy of less than 14 weeks D: pregnancy of less than 16 weeks E: pregnancy of less than 18 weeks
- The time of the first delivery should be ( ) A: Early response B: Diagnosis of early pregnancy C: at 12 weeks D: at 16 weeks
- Common high-risk factors for a pregnant woman include ( ). A: maternal health B: age of the pregnant woman C: adverse pregnancy history D: height of the pregnant woman
- Hypertension during pregnancy affects both pregnant woman and her<br/>fetus.(<br/>)