• 2022-06-06
    The secondary flow passes only through the _______.
    A: fan
    B: HPC
    C: LPC
    D: combustor
  • A


    • 0

      The oil leaving the oil pump passes through the oil filter before it is circulated through the engine.

    • 1

      Flow control is one of the basic functions of the data link layer. Regarding flow control, which one is correct among following statements? A: Only the data link layer has flow control B: Not only the data link layer has flow control, but the flow control objects of each layer are the same C: Not only does the data link layer have flow control, but the flow control objects of each layer are different D: None of the above is right

    • 2

      If __________ thought passes through their minds at all, they like to think of themselves as average-looking.

    • 3

      The urethra passes through the of the penis A: tunica albuginea B: prepuce C: corpora spongiosum D: corpora cavernosa

    • 4

      The internal capsule A: is a cavity of telencephalon B: the corticospinal tract passes through the anterior limb C: lies between the thalamus, caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus D: the optic radiation passes the anterior limb